Digital Marketing

WP Meetup Session: The Anatomy of High Converting Landing Pages

The WordPress Community is awesome and I love to see that there is a regular meetup group in Stockholm now, so when Ryan who manages it asked me if I wanted to come back up and speek, how could I deny?

Just shy of a month ago at WordCamp Norrköping I gave a talk on making high converting landing pages that resonated very well so I thought today was a great time to do a slightly modified version of it: The Anatomy of High Converting Landing Pages.

It’s a talk I think has turned out really well and resonates with both designers and developers and for that reason, we are going to be offering it more and see if we can’t make some more things off it.

All the slides for the talk are available below and a video should be posted soon. Meanwhile, the video from the session at WordCamp Norrköping is available online.

The Anatomy of High Converting Landing Pages from Erik Bernskiöld