
Lecture: How to Grow & Gain Traction

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to hold a guest lecture for the university course in Entrepreneurship at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The topic in question was marketing, or strictly speaking, “How to Grow and Gain Traction“.

The lecture had two fundamental parts. The first organized around why you want growth and traction, and what it is. The second about the marketing side, starting with why customers would want to buy from you in the first place to going through some of the most important marketing channels.

I’m happy to say that the university is recording all the lectures from this talk, making them publicly available on their video website. If the topic interests you, you can go ahead and watch. The slides are also available below on Slideshare, where it was featured as “Presentation of the Day”.

How to Grow & Gain Traction from Erik Bernskiöld