
Designer or Developer? We are looking for freelancers and consultants!

We are growing. It’s a very exciting time. In order to be able to help new clients with their exciting projects we need talented people.

What we are looking for at this time are several talented designers and developers who want to be part of our freelance and consultant team.


As a designer, you are passionate about creating great user interfaces that just look great. You know that the devil is in the details and what would make us very happy is if you have a good idea of what’s doable and not on websites. We’re not requiring that you are a code ninja, but if you do know HTML/CSS we’d obviously not complain.


As a developer you are well rounded in your skills and write HTML/CSS/Javascript as well as PHP. Since we work a lot with WordPress, it is essential that you know your way around it too. What is crucial to us is that you feel strongly about making easy and friendly user interfaces. Need we say that you probably like to constantly learn new things?

What can we offer?

Since this is a freelance position, we can of course offer you more projects to work on. Apart from that, we invest in the success of our friends and family too, meaning that we want you to grow and be able to keep learning new things in projects that you do with us too. Given how many different, fun and challenging projects our clients come to us with, our experience is that it is hard to avoid learning something new.

How to get in?

If you are interested in becoming a part of our freelancer and consultant team—and we hope you are!—please send me an email at [email protected] and tell me a little bit about yourself and show me some things that you have done. I’d be very happy to get an idea of your rates too!

About Bernskiold

We are a web and digital agency focused on web and digital strategy, building user-oriented tailored web solutions to our clients from around the world and guiding companies to make wise decisions about their web presence, making the web successful for them.

Additionally, we are also behind XLD Studios, a WordPress agency building effective and user friendly websites for small and medium sized businesses.

Image credit: Flickr/Michael Himbeault